Hotel Fabric

Claude Colliot, the restaurant

Categories : Eating, published on : 10/2/17

The idea is simple; nothing mixes, all combines. To offer an innovative cuisine of the moment. In the restaurant of Claude Colliot, each dish on the menu is accompanied by the talent and inspiration of this self-taught chef, who works culinary magic with seasonal ingredients. Thus, the beetroot, blackcurrant, black garlic, cappuccino of potatoes, and chou pak choï burratta sésame bring their autumn vegetable hues to a menu worked around a fish of the day, veal sweetbreads, roasted chicken or grilled prime Hereford beef. Authentic food of the moment in an elegant and sophisticated setting. The taste, and the tastes, cannot be faulted.  JR.


Claude Colliot, 40 Rue des Blancs Manteaux, Paris 4th

Tel. 01 42 71 55 45 and see


Open Tuesday to Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00 and 19:00 to 22:30

Photo: Restaurant Claude Colliot